Seminar invite: 'Japanese Equities: Which Way Do We Go?' with a panel of industry veterans
On 5th August 2024, the Nikkei 225 crashed like in 1987, as Black Monday wiped out portfolios. Trading patterns were uncannily similar with high leverage, forced selling, and computer amplifying the damage. What followed was no loss of confidence and a two-year rally to record highs.
The main topic to address is what the rest of the financial year, and beyond, has in store.
Seminar Content:
- Japan Equities Strategy, the outlook for the economy, equities, interest rates, the yen, and what the Bank of Japan and the Ministry of Finance will likely do.
- We will introduce 'Herd on the Street' and 'Critical Minerals' products: our equity underperformance and short-selling report, and a look into minerals and materials markets.
- Best ideas from our team of analysts from small to large caps, thematic trends, and where to position investor money.
The seminars are open to clients of Astris including those on our trial services, to institutional investors in Japan, developed and Emerging Asia, and press members. Seats are limited so RSVP at your earliest opportunity.
Seminar dates and schedule:
- New York (8 Oct.): Broadway Room, Manhattan Manor, 148 W 51st Street, New York (Between 6th & 7th Avenue), 2 pm to 5 pm, followed by drinks.
- London (10 Oct.): Clive Room, The East India Club, 16 St. James's Square, London SW1Y 4LH, 2 pm to 5 pm, followed by drinks.
- Switzerland (14-15 Oct., tentative)
- Singapore (22 Oct., tentative)
- Tokyo (14 Nov., tentative): Further details to be announced.
Mike Lynch ( – America, Canada.
Tim Williams ( – UK, Europe and Scandinavia
Jessica Khine ( – Asia
Fraser Nicholas ( – Japan
Neil Newman Head of Strategy (